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side view of empty police patrol car on street

Conversion Claims

Conversion is the wrongful assumption or exercise of the right of ownership over goods or property belonging to another that is inconsistent with the owner’s ...
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Construction Accidents in Northern Virginia

Premises Liability Recovery Theories

In a premises liability case, there may be a number of different theories of recovery. By “premises liability”, I mean an injury that arises on ...
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Personal Injury

TMJ Disorders in Personal Injury Cases

TMJ disorders in personal injury cases require a specialist and very focused treatment to solve the problem.
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Men with hand injury talking to personal injury lawyer

Negligent Supervision in Personal Injury Claims

In injury cases, plaintiffs sometimes attempt to assert a claim for negligent supervision. In A.H. v. Church of God, 297 Va. 604 (2019) a minor asserted ...
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Premises Liability Lawyer
Personal Injury

Nuisance Claims in the Personal Injury Context

Nuisance claims personal injury must be distinguished from negligence claims since they are distinct claims for relief.
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Truck accident attorney
Vehicle Accidents

Amazon Car Accidents

Amazon car accidents can be very complicated due to the interlocking network of Amazon Companies and affiliates.
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Personal Injury

McDonald’s Coffee Case

McDonalds coffee case was not what the insurance industry advertised the facts to be. Scalding coffee served to elderly patron.
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Office supplies, notebook and magnifier on the table in stationery store, nobody. Assortment in shop, accessories for modeling, school equipment

Suicide as the Basis for Medical Malpractice

Suicide medical malpractice cases are tough especially where the patient is outpatient. The plaintiff must prove causation.
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closeup of a woman in the drivers seat of a car texting while driving
Vehicle Accidents

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a frequent cause of crashes. Strict enforcement may be a deterrent. Punitive damage awards may be a deterrent.
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