There are a number of helpful legal resources that one might turn to for assistance.
Legislative Information System
This service gives you access to the Virginia Code, the Virginia Administrative Code and information about the sessions of the General Assembly.
Legal Information Institute
This service offered by Cornell Law School can be found at It gives you access to the U.S. Code, the Code of Federal Regulations and Supreme Court materials. Also it contains an annotated version of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Municode Library
This service can be found at Also it contains 4,000 local government codes.
This is the website of the Government Printing Office (GPO). It contains everything published by GPO. In addition it gives you access to the Federal Register and to the Code of Federal Regulations. Also it gives you the opportunity to do legislative histories.
Virginia Supreme Court Records
This site is offered by the University of Richmond Law Library and can be found at Also this gives you access to briefs, complaints as to every case heard by the Supreme Court of Virginia.
Call, or contact us for a free consult. Also for more info on legal resources see the Wikipedia pages. Also see the post on this site dealing with contract issues.