For any purchase of real estate you should probably have a realtor representing you. A good realtor can advise if you need an attorney. A realtor can guide you through some of the hurdles of the deal. Also the realtor can assist you in terms of financing issues and property inspection issues. If the property is residential then the contract is in most cases prepared by the realtor’s association. If it is a new home contract then it is drafted by the builder. This latter contract should be reviewed by a lawyer. The attorney can help you in terms of negotiating the contract terms.
Do I Need A Real Estate Lawyer To Buy A House
The purchase of a home is the largest purchase that most of us enter into. With a good realtor by you side you may not need an attorney. If you feel something about the deal is not right then consult with the realtor. If you feel the realtor is not giving correct answers then seek out an attorney.
Do I Need A Real Estate Lawyer-Learn More About Purchasing Real Estate
See Brien Roche’s book Law 101 published by Sphinx Publishing for more information on this subject.
Contact a Real Estate Lawyer
Legal answers provided by Brien Roche, an attorney with over 45 years of experience. Contact Us today to discuss your legal matter.
Also for more information about real estate law see the pages on Wikipedia.