As a witness, you are being called upon to state what you know. The rules of evidence will normally govern exactly what you can be asked and what you can say. As a result in most cases you are going to be asked questions about things you have personal knowledge of. You may be asked about documents you have some info about.
In any trial or hearing the evidence presented comes in two forms. It is either oral statements or objects. Those objects may be pieces of paper. They may be other objects. Testimony is a person testifying as to what they know about an event or matter. Likewise a document can be evidence of what that person knows. It may be a substitute for further testimony on that subject.
What Can I Expect If Called As A Witness-Learn More About Witness Testimony
See Brien Roche’s book Law 101 published by Sphinx Publishing for more info on this subject.
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Also for more info about witnesses see the pages on Wikipedia.