The type of insurance coverage that you should have is governed by the type of activity you are engaging in. An accident attorney is attuned to those issues. Lack of coverage means a lack of money to pay the claim. That can be fatal to the claim.
What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need-Types of Insurance
If you are thinking about buying a car you need coverage. Most states require that you have coverage. You should have liability coverage to protect you from claims. A crash may not have been your fault. However that does not mean you will not be sued. The other party may claim you are at fault. With this coverage the insurer will defend you. In addition it will pay the claim up to your limits.
You should also have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This covers you if the other party has low or no limits. If that other party caused the crash this coverage protects you if you are injured.
Medical payments coverage pays your medical bills without regard to fault. This is a good form of coverage to have. However it is not as important as the first two. Comprehensive coverage protects your automobile. If your vehicle is covered by a lien from a lender then the lender will require that you have this coverage. They want the vehicle insured. They are not so much concerned about you being insured personally.
Other types of coverage you may have is homeowners coverage. This protects your home from fire and other disasters. Also it protects you from liability claims. In addition, there is general liability coverage that may protect you in certain business pursuits. Finally an umbrella policy acts as an umbrella over all of this coverage.In addition it may have increased limits.
What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need- How Much Insurance is Enough?
The type of coverage that you need is governed by the activity. Likewise how much coverage you need is governed by what your assets are and the risk of the activity.
What Kind Of Insurance Do I Need-Learn More
See Brien Roche’s book Law 101 published by Sphinx Publishing for more info on this subject.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
Legal answers provided by Brien Roche, a personal injury attorney with over 45 years of trial experience. Also Contact Us today to discuss your personal injury matter.
In addition for more info about insurance coverage see the pages on Wikipedia.