In front of a jury all people are equal. The lowliest individual can sue the mightiest corporation. However in front of a jury those two parties are considered to be equal. In real life we know that they may not be equal. A a large corporation can afford to hire the best attorneys. The lowly individual may not be able to do that. However if that lowly individual is represented by a competent attorney that can level the playing field. That individual will not only have his day in court but may well win in front of a jury.
In other words the jury system is a key part of our democratic process. Any attempt to restrict the power of the jury should be fought. Although we live in a democracy there are very few forums where you can actually say that all people are equal. That can be said in the context of a jury trial.
Why Are Juries Important?Learn More
See Brien Roche’s book Law 101 published by Sphinx Publishing for more info on this subject.
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In addition for more info about juries see the pages on Wikipedia.