This page and the pages that are linked directly to it are a series of legal forms that I have prepared over the years for various facets of a legal practice. These forms are designed primarily for use by attorneys but they may be used by a layperson with caution. Legal forms are helpful to attorneys because they provide a general framework or a starting point in terms of preparing a document. They are however just that i.e., a framework or starting point. Legal forms in the hands of the wrong person or in the hands of an uninformed person can be dangerous because they may lead that person to believe they are complying with particular legal procedures or requirements by utilizing the form when in fact the form may not apply to their particular circumstance or the form may need to be modified dramatically in order to be appropriate for their circumstance.
Legal Forms Must Be Used With Caution
In placing these forms on this website I am not intending to give legal advice to anyone. Any person who uses these forms uses them at their own risk. Attorneys of course would understand fully what that risk is and be able to adapt these forms to their particular circumstance. Non-attorneys may not have that level of knowledge to be able to do so and as such any non-attorneys who are utilizing these forms should utilize them only with appropriate legal advice.
At the beginning of each page (subject area) is a table of contents (summary)identifying the particular forms that can be linked to.
The forms are in Word format so that the user can modify the form as appropriate.
Real Estate
Sale of Business
Tort Actions
Wills and POAs
Legal Forms can be found at a number of sites online but before using them the consumer should make sure the usage is accompanied with a thorough knowledge of the pertinent law. A starting point for an overview of some legal concepts may be Wikipedia.