The cases below are a compilation of cases from the Virginia Supreme Court summarized by Brien Roche dealing with the topic of defects in vehicles and the related topic of vehicle accidents.For more information about vehicle defects see the page on Wikipedia.
Defects in Vehicle-Statutes
See Va. Code § 46.2-1000 as to authority of police when certain defects discovered.
See Va. Code § 46.2-1006.
Defects in Vehicles-Cases
1983 Meeks v. Hodges, 226 Va. 106, 306 S.E.2d 879.
Evidence indicated that broken leaf spring on Meeks’ vehicle caused it to go out of control. Court held that jury issue was created as to whether Meeks failed to use ordinary care to keep his vehicle under proper control or whether his vehicle went out of control due to an unknown mechanical defect.
1947 Mountjoy v. Burton, 185 Va. 936, 40 S.E.2d 803.
There was evidence of substantial number of vehicle defects creating jury issue as to gross negligence of defendant.