Compilation of tort law cases reported by the Virginia Supreme Court dealing with topics beginning with the letter “F”.
- Falling Objects
- Falls-Aisles
- Falls-Alternate Routes
- Falls-Chains
- Falls-Common Carriers
- Falls-Deceptive Appearance
- Falls-Distractions
- Falls-Floors
- Falls-Grocery Stores
- Falls-Guardrails
- Falls-Lighting
- Falls-Miscellaneous
- Falls-Open and Obvious Condition
- False Imprisonment-Damages
- False Imprisonment-Defenses
- False Imprisonment-Definition
- False Imprisonment-Miscellaneous
- Farm Equipment
- Federal Regs
- Fiduciary Duty
- Financial Responsibility Act
- Firemen’s Rule
- Fires
- Flares
- Flying Objects
- Fog
- Following Too Close
- Food-Product Liability
- Foreseeability
- Forklifts
- Fraud-Actual
- Fraud-Constructive
- Full Time and Attention
- Funeral Procession